Schadenfreude . . . on steroids. That’s the dominant emotion for me this morning.
Yes, I’ll look forward to learning exactly how Trump interred—Grover Clevelanded!—Sleepy Joe’s legacy and that of his feckless “insurance policy” (who will condescend to concede at the dinner hour).
To God all the glory.
The people who met defeat last night—the empty pantsuit and her equally hollow-headed Hollywood cheerleaders; the once-upon-a-time friends and admirers who disowned him; the political and judicial prostitutes who persecuted, prosecuted, indicted, impeached, and slandered him; the oh-so-ethically-sensitive “artists” who for a decade fantasized openly about how gruesomely he might be put to death—I’m glad they’re miserable. I hope their misery induces them to expatriate, as they often dare to do when elections don’t go their way.
Nota bene: They haven’t gone anywhere. They’re already plotting his demise (again) and will stop at nothing. For they don’t hate Trump as much as they hate the people who love him, obstacles to their totalitarian designs, who number in the hundreds of millions and will carry on when his work in this life is done.
So, this morning Freude and Schadenfreude are appropriate emotions. But during the interregnum and the next four years, vigilance is what’s required, coupled with an unquenchable thirst for justice.
This time, no more Mister Nice Guy.
Thanks, Tony.
Sounds plausible. May use it over at my place.
But anything AI-generated must be taken *cum grano salis.*
Yes, of course.
I don’t believe Trump said that God spared his life for a reason, but that some have said that. It may well be true. But how could anyone know that?
Other than that, I agree! Especially with your call for vigilance. Suppose Trump is assassinated between now and Inauguration Day. What then? Who becomes president? There must a constitutional provision for that eventuality, but I don’t know what it is. My guess is that Vance woud become president. But then who would be Veep? Mike Johnson?
Thanks, Bill.
Tonight on Prime Time, Sage Steele confessed that although she enjoyed last night’s victory party, she couldn’t, and can’t, relax, because his enemies will stop at nothing to destroy him. At the moment, God’s providence favors his survival. I put your question to AI:
If Donald Trump were elected but assassinated between Election Day and Inauguration Day, the succession path would depend on the stage of the process:
1. Before the Electoral College Vote: If the candidate dies before the Electoral College meets to cast its votes (generally in mid-December), the party could appoint a replacement, potentially nominating another candidate to receive electors’ votes. This could be someone like Trump’s running mate, who is likely chosen as the vice-presidential candidate (for example, J.D. Vance if he was the selected VP). The Electoral College would then vote for this replacement.
2. After Electoral College Vote but Before Inauguration: If the candidate dies after the Electoral College vote, it becomes more complex. Technically, the President-elect’s running mate would still be on the Electoral College’s official slate as the elected Vice President-elect. According to the 20th Amendment, if a President-elect dies before Inauguration Day, the Vice President-elect would be sworn in as President on January 20.
3. Succession after Inauguration Day: If Trump had been inaugurated and then died, the line of succession would follow the traditional path established in the Presidential Succession Act. The new Vice President (Vance in this scenario) would become President, and under the 25th Amendment, the new President would then nominate a Vice President, subject to confirmation by both the House and Senate. Mike Johnson, as Speaker of the House, would only enter the line of succession if both the President and Vice President positions were vacant simultaneously.
Yes, others may have said the quoted words in Trump’s hearing, but after a bullet narrowly missed him, Trump himself suggested that God, not chance, is why he’s still alive. https://www.christianpost.com/voices/why-would-god-spare-trumps-life-but-not-comperatore.html In a later conversation, he said there had to be “some great power” behind his survival: there was a reason he was spared, perhaps to help save the nation or even the world. https://www.christianpost.com/news/trump-i-would-win-california-if-jesus-was-vote-counter.html