Dear Tony,
I was delighted to hear from you. I am recovering well from the stroke that hit me early in April. [April 1st, to be exact.]
Yesterday I finished vol. IV of the Documentary History of the Negro People [in the United States] (1945-1959) [published subtitle: From the New Deal to the End of the Second World War]; I am deep in V (the final one for me) which treats the years 1960-68 [published subtitle: From the Korean War to the Emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr.]. Before the stroke hit me, my Anti-Racism in the U.S. from [the] Colonial Era to [the] Close of Civil War [published title and subtitle: ] was published (in February) by Greenwood Press in Conn[ecticut; Praeger, 1993]. Two years before appeared my Abolitionism: A Revolutionary Movement (Twayne Pub., Boston).
I hope all is going well with you. I want to call to your attention the movement known as the Committees of Correspondence; their national office is at 11 John St, Room 506, NYC 10038. It will interest you.
I should be delighted to hear from you again.
My Aptheker book and some posts
- Herbert Aptheker: Studies in Willful Blindness
- Pat Martino and Herbert Aptheker: Half-century Memories
- When Herbert echoed Hillary: Aptheker on the “vast right-wing conspiracy” that threatened “fascism” in 1998
- G. Edward Griffin: Prophet with Honor
- The history book the philosopher reviewed but the historian ignored
- Herbert Aptheker: Apothecary for a Red Teenager
- Guest Blogger: Hugh Murray on Herbert Aptheker
- Aptheker’s willful blindness toward James: another nugget of evidence
- The truth about Herbert Aptheker: correcting a New York Times obit
- Revisiting Herbert Aptheker’s pattern of misrepresentation and omission