I was so impressed by the video John A. Lancaster posted today that I feel compelled to join him in getting the word out. He entitled his post “Is the Current Unrest a Communist Prophecy?,” but I decided to drop the rhetorical question mark.
The presenter is G. Edward Griffin (b. 1931). When he delivered this talk, so calmly, so professionally, the Left called him a “Red baiter.” Today he’s called a “conspiracy theorist.” Both are empty tags signalling the tagger’s determination not to have a conversation.
Griffin’s topic is a conspiracy—the Communist conspiracy, its self-understanding and its exploitation of America’s racial tensions. As you watch and listen, ask yourself whether the violence, mayhem, and frank advocacy of communism you see nightly on television is not exactly what Griffin was warning Americans about.
Color, Communism, and /Common Sense is an eight-minute YouTube video, excerpted from Griffin’s full presentation, also on YouTube, More Deadly Than War The Communist Revolution in America.
The film has the “look-and-feel” of the early ’60s. At the 2.47 mark, Griffin holds up and quotes from The Nature of Revolution, a 1959 pamphlet by Communist Party theoretician Herbert Aptheker (for whom I worked as a research assistant in the early ’70s). That made me think the film is earlier than 1969, the date given for Griffin’s pamphlet on Amazon. (In 1969, would he cite something from 1959?) I’d appreciate hearing from anyone who can settle the date of the original filmed presentation.
See also Mr Griffins book titled
The Creature From Jeckyle Island.
An eye opening look at the Federal Reserve Bank. This man is a credible writer and investigator. And there is no doubt of the marxists influence and mentality operating within American politics. All of the denials in the media, Hollywood (TCM being the most dishonest) and historians notwithstanding. Whittiger Chambers testimony has never been refuted concerning the commie presence in American government. In Jay Edgar Hovers Masters Of Deceit the red menace is proven beyond doubt. The testimony of former Communists is irrefutable. Griffin is right on when he implies or reminds us that Marx has been awakened in America and is once again on the move.